Los Angeles, California
The California Elder Justice Coalition (CEJC) works to improve the quality of life for older Californians including those living with dementia. More than 1.6 million individuals provide unpaid care for a person living with Alzheimer’s Disease in the state. A subset of these caregiving situations will result in an environment of elder abuse or neglect.
Since 2010 CEJC has led efforts to include caregiving as a core component of elder justice policy and practice. Early efforts demonstrated that successful caregiving strategies and support can prevent and mitigate the impact of elder abuse and neglect. Failure to address contributing risk factors, (e.g., a lack of caregiver or care receiver financial and functional support, caregiver stress, a lack of recognition of cultural norms, a history of problematic family relationships, and more), can lead to serious negative consequences for both caregiver and care receiver.
The Coalition has pioneered approaches to preserving the autonomy of adults with dementia while reducing stresses and uncertainties that family caregivers face in balancing their own needs with those for whom they care. This has included a concentrated focus on extending free or affordable legal services for estate planning, promoting advanced directives, access to planning and conflict resolution within families, promoting alternatives to conservatorship that protect older adults with dementia that are safe while preserving their rights and freedoms to as great an extent as possible.
CEJC is a founding member of the National Network of State Elder Justice Coalitions (now with 20 coalition members and growing) and remains actively involved in promoting the development of elder justice coalitions across the country.