Elgin, IL
Tales and Travel – Alzheimer’s Memories Project is an innovative program that provides library services directly to persons with early and mid-stage Alzheimer’s disease and their caregivers. Created by Gail Borden Public Library District, the highly replicable program has been adopted by other libraries and by memory care centers. Staff and volunteers use materials already in library collections to stimulate memories and conversation through reading and music resources via “excursions” to different regions or countries around the world. The location is identified on a globe, encouraging conversation. A brief folktale, legend or myth, interesting facts about the location and text are read aloud. Books rich in color photos are browsed to further engage participants in conversation and music and food from the destination may also be incorporated. The program is currently being adapted for at-home caregivers, who will check out “carry-on bags” at the library for use in the home.