A Rough Ride for California’s Caregivers
Editor’s note: There is a petition against the proposed cuts to the California Caregiver Resource Centers. You can view and sign the petition here: http://www.change.org/petitions/dont-balance-californias-budget-on-the-backs-of-family-caregivers
Governor Jerry Brown released his proposed FY 2012-13 budget this week, which calls for eliminating funding for the California Caregiver Resource Centers (CRC). The language used in the budget document is fairly innocuous:
Unfortunately, family caregivers are dealing with diseases that are anything but harmless. Caregiving for a person with dementia, especially in the later stages, is one of the most stressful types of caregiving.
A recent brief by the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research provides an alarming analysis of caregivers in California, and the emotional, psychological, and financial stresses they are placed under, including:
• More than 1 million caregivers report moderate or serious distress levels;
• Caregivers of all ages who reported serious psychological distress were 208% more likely to smoke than non-caregivers with serious psychological distress;
• 29% of middle-aged caregivers are single, divorced, or widowed;
• 67.1% of caregivers hold down full- or part-time jobs; and
• The 1/3 of California caregivers who live with their care recipients spend an average of 36 hours a week providing care.
The social workers at the 11 CRCs located throughout the state, assess caregivers, provide them emotional support, and connect caregivers to much-needed services like respite, legal counseling, support groups, and education.
In fact, the California State Department of Mental Health Website notes:
The proposed elimination of funding for the CRCs would be on top of the recent reductions made to California’s Adult Day Health Care (ADHC) system. ADHC was originally scheduled to be eliminated, then funding was going to be reduced by 50%, then Governor Brown vetoed that legislation, and finally, in December, a settlement was reached that proposes to keep ADHC-like services for current clients who have the highest needs.
California is in a budget crisis, which has been made clear for the past several years.
However, California is also in a long-term care crisis and the proposal to eliminate the California Caregiver Resource Centers will only exacerbate this crisis. Each year, over 4 to 5 million family caregivers in California provide $47,000,000,000 in “free” care.
As Kathleen Kelly, Executive Director of FCA noted on a stakeholder call today, the $2.9 million (total) provided to the 11 centers provides both a match for federal Older Americas Act services at the local level and allows for the CRCs to operate a tested model of services supporting families. Currently there is no other source of funding to assess caregivers and provide training, education and support to those who are providing the vast majority of long term support and assistance. It is with this action that the state of California abdicates its responsibilities to informal caregivers across the state at a time when the national health policy direction is going towards re-balancing from institutions to community services.
The proposed elimination of the funding for the California Caregiver Resource Centers tells family caregivers that they are not worth an even minimal investment.
You can view and sign the petition against the elimination of funding for the California Caregiver Resource Centers here: http://www.change.org/petitions/dont-balance-californias-budget-on-the-backs-of-family-caregivers
Editor’s note: See also:
Scan Foundation: Fact Sheet No. 23: California’s Proposed 2012-13 Budget: Impact on California’s Seniors and People with Disabilities
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