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Can BEGREW work for you? Effects of an online Brief Exercise in Guided & Reflective Writing (BEGREW) on Informal PD-caregivers‘ anxiety: an external pilot study

We would be grateful if you could assist us by participating in our online study. We are investigating whether completing our guided writing exercises will improve the compassion that you show towards yourself.

What will I be asked to do?

You will complete four writing exercises about your caregiving experience during a minimum two-week period. Each exercise will have some guidance that asks you to consider a particular aspect of the care that you provide. Whilst we ask that you write for at least 15 minutes, we want you to write an amount that you are comfortable with and is practical for you.

These exercises can be completed at any time that suits you. You will have the function to save a writing exercise that you have started and return to it later. Although we want to give you the maximum flexibility possible, we will email you reminders if we see that it has been a few days and you have not yet started writing.

Before the first and last of the exercises, you will complete questionnaires. These include demographic information, alongside validated psychological measures. If you need it, assistance to complete these surveys will be available from one of the study team. These surveys are completely anonymous. We foresee few risks in completing the tests or surveys.