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Role of Social Support on Self-Reported Coping Strategies Among LGBTQIA+ Cancer Patients

Please consider sharing this study to your loved ones who identify as LGBTQ+ and are currently diagnosed with cancer.

Participants must be:

  • Over the age of 18
  • Identify as a sexual and/or gender minority
  • Currently diagnosed with cancer
  • Reside in the United States

This study which aims to explore the cancer health inequities among the LGBTQ+ community. We are recruiting research participants to help us understand the experiences of LGBTQ+ cancer patients and identify specific social determinants of health. Participation involves completing a survey that will take about 15-20 minutes.

No identifiable information will be collected about you, and the survey is anonymous. In addition to the survey questions, we will request age, zip code, insurance type, income, race and ethnicity, gender and sexual identity, and information regarding your current cancer diagnosis.

The survey is entirely online and will be conducted on REDCap. There are no personal benefits or risks to participating in this study. Participations is voluntary, and you can stop taking the survey at any time. If you have any questions, please contact n047d401@kumc.edu. For questions about the rights of research participants, you may contact the KUMC Institutional Review Board (IRB) at (913) 588-1240 or IRBhelp@kumc.edu.
