Adult Daycare for the Frail Elderly: Outcomes, Satisfaction and Cost
Adult day care for the frail elderly: Outcomes, satisfaction, and cost
Citation Baumgarten, M., Lebel, P., Laprise, H., Leclerc, C., Quinn, C. (2002). Adult day care for the frail elderly: Outcomes, satisfaction, and cost. Journal of Aging and Health, 14(2), 237-259.
Design Experiment
Purpose The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of Adult Day Care (ADC) programs on: care receiver’s depressive symptoms, anxiety and functional status, caregiver burden on the cost of health services.
Participants n= 180 elderly participants were randomly assigned to the treatment (immediate admission to an adult day program) group and n=104 to the control group (3 months on a waiting list).
Outcome / Dependent Variables Care receiver’s depressive symptoms (measured on the CES-D scale), anxiety (STAI scale), and functional status (OARS scale). Caregiver burden was measured on the Novak & Guest’s (1989) Caregiver Burden Inventory.
Outcomes Perceived satisfaction (responses on interview) was great for both caregivers and care receivers. However, there were no significant interactions between ADC and any of the dependent variables.
Author Baumgarten, M., Lebel, P., Laprise, H., Leclerc, C., Quinn, C.