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Caregiver Health Education Program

The Caregiver Health Education Program trains professionals and informal caregivers to lead educational and support groups for families and friends of frail older persons with chronic disabilities. There are several versions of the program including a dementia specific version and a version to be delivered by teleconference.


Institute of Gerontology, University at Albany, State University of New York.

The Institute of Gerontology, University at Albany promotes knowledge and social responsibility on aging issues by conducting research and promoting innovative new support programs and policies.


Albany, NY

How does it work?

This program trains professionals to lead support groups for caregivers. There is a special version of the program developed for groups specific to Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders.

Why is it successful?

The Caregiver Health Education Program has been used in a variety of medical and social service settings, primarily in the upstate New York region. It has been reviewed extensively (both face to face and the teleconference version) yielding significant results in improving caregiver stress, coping strategies and knowledge of community resources.

For more information contact Ronald Toseland at toseland@albany.edu or (518) 442-5353.