Caregiver Retreats
Caregiver Retreats offer family caregivers a one or two-day respite sessions designed to provide rest and rejuvenation.
Family Caregiver Alliance
Over thirty years ago, Family Caregiver Alliance (FCA) was the first community-based nonprofit organization to systematically address the needs of families providing long- term care at home. As the lead agency in the California Caregiver Resource Center system, FCA developed the statewide service system protocols, data collection and standards of practice as a consultant to the Department of Mental Health. Currently FCA operates direct caregiver support services in the San Francisco Bay Area and operates a national call center for family caregivers. The National Center on Caregiving provides technical assistance to policy makers and program developers, operates the Clearinghouse of programs and policy issues, conducts policy research and advocates on behalf of caregiving families.
San Francisco, CA
How does it work?
Family Caregiver Alliance has offered these retreats in a variety of ways. Historically, these retreats are offered as a one or two day event at a local retreat center. Each retreat has a specific theme related to caregiving with a morning session providing an educational opportunity that is presented like a workshop. Following lunch, a structured activity is offered and these have range from nature hikes, art projects, yoga, journaling, meditation or African drumming. All activities are intended to be participatory and are often unrelated to caregiving.
Family Caregiver Alliance offers technical assistance to help communities get their own program started.
Why is it successful?
Post-program evaluations have shown an overall favorable response to the retreats and appreciate the opportunity to have respite in a supportive and therapeutic environment where they can rest, relax and share their caregiving experiences with others who have similar circumstances.
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