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Coping with Caregiving. REACH I

REACH I is a research project which explores the effectiveness of different interventions to reduce burden and distress of family caregivers. It includes a train-the trainer education program which focuses exclusively on self-care for dementia family caregivers.


Stanford University School of Medicine Older Adult and Family Center

For the past 15 years, the Older Adult and Family Center has improved the health and well-being of those caring for a family member with memory loss or dementia, and have served the ethnically diverse communities of Northern California.


Palo Alto, CA

How does it work?

REACH I offers a two-day train-the trainer education program focusing exclusively on self-care for dementia family caregivers. Materials include a Class Leader’s Guide; a Participant Manual; diskettes with handouts, marketing materials, and presentation slides; and a relaxation audiotape.

Why is it successful?

The intervention has been studied extensively at various sites across the US and has shown to produce significant outcomes on caregiver depression, coping skills and social support.

For more information: http://med.stanford.edu