Social Care Interface in Early Stage Dementia . . .
Social care interface in early stage dementia: Practitioners’ perspectives on the links between formal and informal networks
Citation Carpentier, N., Pomey, M, Conteras, R., & Olazabal, I. (2008) Social care interface in early stage dementia: Practitioners’ perspectives on the links between formal and informal networks. Journal of Aging and Health, 20 (6), 710-738.
Design Exploratory study
Purpose The study investigated the interface between health care practitioners and caregivers of people with Alzheimer’s disease living in the community.
Participants The participants were N=20 practitioners
Procedure Investigators interviewed 20 practitioners and analyzed contacts between practitioners and caregivers at the beginning of the care trajectory.
Outcomes The quality of practitioner/caregiver interface was determined by personal characteristics such as profiles and internal structures. Communication between formal and informal service networks could be improved by a greater understanding of microsocial and organizational level interactions and the implementation of a social model of care.
Author Carpentier, N., Pomey, M, Conteras, R., & Olazabal, I.